Community Events & Philanthropic Endeavors

From Us, Back To You

We always give back. Innova is a team that wants to do all they can to help those in need.

Innova is proud to partner with local organizations that are changing lives. We also prioritize working with vendors who are overcoming struggles to better themselves and their communities.

Let´s Work Together

42nd Warrior Battalion

Founded by Dr. Kasi Howard, the 42nd Warrior Battalion has a three-prong mission:

Mission 1

To educate children and teens about sexual abuse in an age-appropriate manner. Research shows that sexual abuse can be prevented by 90% with education.

Mission 2

To offer resources, support, and treatment to those who have suffered sexual abuse. Everyone needs a helping hand, and we leave no child or teen behind.

Mission 3

To raise awareness about sexual abuse with the help of media campaigns and educational seminars. The more people know, the better it can be prevented.

Visit Their Website

Alzheimer’s Association

Our founder, Dr. Kasi Howard is the Chair of the 2023 Memory Gala. After 7 years of not knowing her family, Dr. Howard’s mother, Wanda, passed away in 2022. Alzheimer’s is the only major disease that has no prevention, cure, or sustained treatment. The Alzheimer’s Association is the major funder of research to change that. Dr. Howard strives to honor her mother’s memory by making sure this disease can no longer make anyone forget their loved ones.

Visit Their Website

Court Appointed Special Advocates

Innova honors the great work that CASA does with children who are involved in the court system. Innova is a regular sponsor of CASA events, such as the annual Gala and River Parade float.

Visit Their Website

Sponsorship Requests

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    Name of organization*

    Name of event*

    Date of event*

    Type of event *

    Sponsorship amount requested*

    How many people will be attending or will be reached?*

    Please describe the sponsorship details*