Looking for a Therapist Near Me in San Antonio, TX?

Looking for a Therapist Near Me in San Antonio, TX?
Innova Recovery is a telehealth IOP providing compassionate, high-quality treatment for individuals 12 and up. Using secure online video software, your therapist near me in San Antonio, TX can help you recover from a variety of traumas using different therapies most appropriate for you. Our team of therapists are specially trained in the area of trauma to identify and address the internal wounds of our clients. Your therapist near me in San Antonio, TX will work to help you find peace and an enduring state of wholeness, following whatever path is best for you.

How It Works
Our clients meet with a therapist near me in San Antonio, TX 3 days per week for 3-4 hours per day based on the needs of the patient. All treatments are done from the comfort and privacy of your own home on your own smart phone or laptop. By simply clicking on a link, youʼll be connected to each meeting and join the group via secure video conferencing software. Learn more here.

Our Therapies
You will be connected with a therapist near me in San Antonio, TX who specializes in a range of therapies from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, Meditation Therapy and Play Therapy. Using these therapies, a therapist near me in San Antonio, TX can help to treat mood and anxiety struggles, victims of abuse (sexual, physical and emotional) or veterans who have experienced combat-related trauma.

Get the Help You Need Today
At Innova Recovery, you will be connected to a therapist near me in San Antonio, TX, committed to helping you reach your full potential and healing. Besides our telehealth service, we also offer in-office treatment for those in the San Antonio area. When youʼre looking for a therapist near me in San Antonio, TX, we can help.

Intensive Outpatient Program in Tyler, TX

Intensive Outpatient Program in Tyler, TX
Following release from a medical treatment center, a medical provider may recommend that you continue treatment at an intensive outpatient program in Tyler, TX. IOPʼs are dissimilar from inpatient programs because they require you to live at the facility while getting treatment. This intensive outpatient program in Tyler, TX is conducted using telecommunication technology. By using telecommunication technology therapy can be administered from anywhere in Texas. To start treatment all you need is a telecommunication device such as a mobile phone or a laptop. If you have a strong support group of family or friends at home, the intensive outpatient treatment in Tyler, TX is a great option for you. Going through a difficult time can be made easier with the help of a strong support group at home.

Benefits of IOP
Innova Graceʼs intensive outpatient program in Tyler, TX is offered completely online. One major benefit of participating in a completely remote intensive outpatient program in Tyler, TX is the cost. Inpatient programs typically cost more than IOPʼs because you also have to pay for your stay at the facility. When you participate in our intensive outpatient program in Tyler, TX you can avoid the extra costs of commuting or living in a facility. Another benefit of our program is the flexibility. Remote IOP programs grant you the freedom to continue your normal life without much interruption. Call us today to learn more about our admissions process.

Our Treatments
The main method of treatment facilitated during the intensive outpatient program in Tyler, TX is group therapy. Group therapy is beneficial for people going through a difficult time because it connects you with others who have been through similar situations. Trauma, depression, and anxiety can often feel very isolating. Group therapy sessions can help you feel less alone because you are linked with people who understand those feelings you are experiencing.

At Innova Grace, you are never alone. To learn more about our intensive outpatient program in Tyler, TX click here.

Intensive Outpatient Program in San Antonio

Intensive Outpatient Program in San Antonio

Innova Recovery Center is your trusted intensive outpatient program in San Antonio. Our licensed therapists serve ages 12 and up, both in the office and online through secure video software. Our intensive outpatient program in San Antonio is a location-free solution for compassionate trauma treatment. Patients meet 3 days per week for 3-4 hours per day based on their unique needs. To begin, patients simply click on a link for each of meeting and join the via secure video conferencing software. If youʼre looking for a compassionate and professional intensive outpatient program in San Antonio, youʼve come to the right place.

Our Trauma Therapies

Our Innova intensive outpatient program in San Antonio offers a variety of therapies designed to help patients begin to heal internal wounds and live a full life. We focus not only on skill development to deal with their issues, but also on identifying core beliefs about oneʼs self and the world that no longer serve them. Find peace and enduring state of wholeness through our intensive outpatient program in San Antonio. Our intensive outpatient program in San Antonio includes:

· Cognitive Processing Therapy
· Dialectical Behavior Therapy
· Eye Movement Desensitization reprocessing
· Prolonged Exposure

Learn more about our intensive outpatient program in San Antonio treatments here.

Weʼre Ready to Help

With our intensive outpatient program in San Antonio, you will meet with licensed therapists and attend groups from the comfort of your own home. You will also have access to a variety of resources to support you in your journey to recovery. Weʼre here to help you overcome the trauma you have experience and live life to the fullest! Speak with one of our recovery advisors for more information on our intensive outpatient program in San Antonio at 210-254-3618, where you can a confidential assessment.

EMDR Introduction

It is a non-talk therapy in which the client does not have to go into detail about the memories of disturbing events which often contribute to nightmares, flashback and being triggered when unexpected events set us off. EMDR is very much a person-centered approach that gives the client control of the treatment process. Compared to other trauma treatments, homework is generally limited to practicing coping skills and no written homework. In comparison studies with other evidenced based treatments, EMDR has better recovery rates and significantly less treatment dropout.

What make EMDR innovative is the utilization of back and forth eye movements or tapping while focusing on the traumatic event. This provides the mechanism to shift the traumatic memories from the areas of the brain that control fear into the working memory. A person who has successfully completed treatment with EMDR will be able to discuss what happened without experiencing the upsetting emotional reactions they had previously.A typical EMDR session has 8 phases. Phase one (History taking) is the evaluation/history taking process to determine symptoms, diagnosis and appropriate for treatment. Phase two(preparation) is teaching coping skills to help them stay grounded between sessions. This process can take anywhere from one session to several depending on the complexity of the trauma. Phases three-eight are the actual EMDR sessions themselves. Phase three(assessment phase), is where the memory for processing is selected. Phase four is the desensitizing phase. The patient identifies image related to the memory, the negative belief about self, related emotions and body sensations and the positive belief they want to have in the now. The provider utilizes 0-10 scaling questions to determine level of disturbance.Phase 5 is the installation phase where the target memory is linked with the positive belief. Phase 6 is the body scan where the patient scans through their body for any tension/tightness. Phase seven is for closure. This is when the session is complete and the patient is no longer experiencing the painful memories or distressing emotions. Phase eight is the next session to re-evaluate where the patient is in regards to the last session.

During memory reprocessing, the patient focuses on the disturbing image while the clinician utilizes eye movements/tapping. As the distressing memory is alleviated, new insights and associations will emerge, thus becoming the focus of attention. The goal is to allow the brain to process the new information in an accelerated way. After the session, there is no homework, no forms to complete and the pt is not asked to describe the memory in detail, unless they so choose. There are a number of studies that support what the eye movements do in an EMDR session as well as over 300 international clinical studies that support its effectiveness.

How this is different from Cognitive Behavioral Therapies? These therapies rely on what in our field is called behavioral activation and extinction. This means that during these sessions the provider and the patient are recording (audio and/or written) the details of a particular traumatic event. The sessions will have the person disclose the traumatic memory in detail two to three times. The patient will have to take these recordings home and listen to them daily until the next session. The person is also to engage in what is called “in vivo exposure.” This means that the person will participate in a previously avoided anxiety provoking activity to allow for habituation. The idea is that when they are triggered by something that reminds them of the event, they will not have the same reaction. There are daily worksheets to complete along with home work. There are numerous studies that support the efficacy of these interventions. The difference between EMDR and cognitive behavioral therapies are time in treatment and homework.

What this means:
-EMDR requires no homework between sessions (people are busy and they appreciate this).
-EMDR is as effective as cognitive behavioral therapies (PE/CPT) with decreased time in treatment
-Cost effective- Fewer treatment sessions means cost savings.
-Once the trauma is resolved. It stays resolved. Reduced dependence on disability. Itʼs like scrambling an egg, one cannot “unbreak” a yolk nor is consuming an uncooked egg considered healthy. Once the egg is scrambled, it becomes something so much better. Just like post traumatic growth.

IOP in San Antonio

IOP in San Antonio

Welcome to your trusted IOP in San Antonio. Innovaʼs licensed therapists serve ages 12 and up, online, through secure video software. Our IOP in San Antonio is a location-free solution for compassionate and high-quality trauma care. Our patients meet with therapists 3 days per week for 3-4 hours per day based on their unique needs. Therapists will then design treatment plans unique to their needs in order to discover the most effective path to recovery. To begin meetings with therapists, patients simply click on a link and join via secure video conferencing software. If youʼre seeking a professional IOP in San Antonio, youʼve come to the right place.

Our Trauma Therapies

The Innova IOP in San Antonio offers a variety of therapies designed to help you heal internal wounds and live a full life. Our therapists focus not only on skill development to deal with issues, but also on identifying core beliefs about oneʼs self and the world that are no longer serving them. Find peace and enduring state of wholeness through our IOP in San Antonio. Our IOP in San Antonio trauma therapies include:
· Cognitive Processing Therapy
· Dialectical Behavior Therapy
· Eye Movement Desensitization reprocessing
· Prolonged Exposure
Learn more about our IOP in San Antonio treatments here.

Weʼre Ready to Help

With our IOP in San Antonio, you will meet with compassionate, licensed therapists and attend online groups from the comfort of your own home. You will also have access to a variety of resources to support you in your treatment journey. Weʼre here to help you overcome the trauma you have experienced and live life to the fullest! Connect one of our recovery advisors for more information on our IOP in San Antonio at 210-254-3618. For more information about how our process works, click here. We look forward to helping you discover peace and healing.

Online Therapy Near Me in Texas

Online therapy uses modern-day technology to ease the lives of people who are enveloped in their life and canʼt find the time to go visit a therapy center. Doctors/Therapists are using different ways to help those who are in need of a therapy session but do not have any facilities near them through which they can get their needs fulfilled or find the treatment they deserve. If you need Online therapy near me in Texas, we would recommend calling the help center.

Importance of online therapy
There is a large number of people among us who are not comfortable with going outside their own home/comfort zone in order to get a proper therapy session. That is why it is very effective to use modern-day technology i.e., Skype, Zoom and other online video/voice calling solutions to participate in a therapy session online. We can find very useful online therapy sessions through various portals available nowadays.

There are many people who have agoraphobia, (fear leaving their homes). This therapy system is very useful for people going through such conditions as they do not need to leave their home but instead can just book a therapist just a click away. There are many websites and portals providing home therapy sessions.

Benefits of choosing online therapy

There are various benefits of choosing an online therapy over going to a therapist by ourselves.

1. Accessible in Remote Areas and for those with physical limitations
As we have already discussed above, this facility is very useful in remote areas where there are not many places that provide therapy facilities. There is hardly a place left on this planet with no internet coverage, so you can easily access therapists which are available online to facilitate you in your hour of need. As far as people with physical limitations are concerned, this facility will make their lives much easier as they wonʼt have to travel to these facilities. Instead, therapists will come to their places and conduct a therapy session with them to make them overcome any mental stress that they are having. These online sessions are also very useful in case of panic attacks when having a series of episodes.

2. Easy to communicate
Many people hesitate to communicate, even with their parents or any other family member, about their stress or whatever they are going through at the moment. People feel easiness to communicate on online platforms rather than facing people directly. This kind of therapy session also helps these people overcome this hesitation and live life freely and to communicate.

We ourselves recommend and encourage such facilities which provide online therapy near me in Texas and bring easiness to the life of people and free them of different traumas. Such portals that provide these facilities are to be encouraged all over the world as they are not only accessible in remote areas but are also available just on a click of a button.

Treating Insomnia in Texas

Insomnia is a troubling and debilitating disorder to have. Not getting the sleep you need interferes heavily with your personal life by leaving you fatigued, irritated, and unfocused. It also makes driving and other tasks dangerous and difficult. Often times insomnia is caused by a past traumatic event. Without proper treatment, trauma can leave you distressed and unable to sleep at night. If you are suffering from insomnia as a result of a trauma, therapy can help.

Through therapy you can get the treatment you need for insomnia in Texas. Addressing your trauma and learning healthy and constructive coping mechanisms can make a world of difference. Therapy has helped countless people with their insomnia in Texas. Proper treatment can make it easier for you to sleep again, leaving you feeling well rested again.

While therapy is a great way to treat your insomnia in Texas, it isnʼt an easy choice for everyone to make. Many people out there have trouble addressing their trauma in a face to face conversation. Other people may have difficulties getting to a therapistʼs office due to transportation issues or lack of availability. At Innova Recover Center, we are aware of this and wanted to help by making therapy easily accessible to everyone.

Innova Recovery Center brings therapy to you in an innovative way. Instead of meeting face to face, Innova allows you to get treatment for your insomnia in Texas through the internet! Through the use of a secure video conferencing software you can meet with your therapist online. Through these online sessions, you will receive groundbreaking treatments for your insomnia in Texas, including eye movement desensitization reprocessing, dialectal behavior therapy, and more! Since all you need is an internet connection and a smartphone or laptop, you can get treatment for your insomnia in Texas from the comfort of your own home!

If you are interested in learning more about how Innova can help you, give us a call! By speaking with one of our representatives you can learn if Innova is right for treating your insomnia in Texas.

Innova: Making Anxiety Treatment in Texas Accessible

Each year, millions of people around the country struggle with anxiety. Anxiety can make life difficult and stressful. Luckily, there are many treatments out there today that are proven to help patients get to the roots of what is causing your anxiety and cope with the symptoms whenever they strike. Unfortunately, many people donʼt get the anxiety treatment in Texas they need. Often times, going into a therapist’s office several times a week just doesnʼt work for many peopleʼs lifestyles. Many Texans just canʼt make the potentially long commute to meet with a therapist. Others may not be comfortable with a face to face appointment.

At Innova Recovery Center, we recognize this and made it our mission to make anxiety treatment in Texas accessible for everyone. With Innova, you can recieve your anxiety treatment in Texas over the internet! This revolutionary method has made treatment accessible to countless people all across Texas.

How It Works
Your Journey with Innova starts with a phone call to one of our experienced advisors so we can understand what kind of struggles you are facing. From there we will make a plan with you and begin your anxiety treatment in Texas. All treatment is done over the internet. Using a secure video conferencing laptop, you can participate in these sessions using your laptop or smartphone. This means you can get anxiety treatment in Texas from the comfort of your own home. For many people, this is preferable to a face-to-face appointment at a therapistʼs office.

About Us
All of our therapists that will be assisting you with your anxiety treatment in Texas are fully licensed and certified. We specialize in several proven treatments including Cognitive Processing Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing, and more. Our program is covered under most insurances, so anxiety treatment in Texas at with Innova is affordable. If you are struggling with anxiety, give us a call and we can begin your path to recovery.

Accessible Treatment For Depression in Texas

Depression is a serious condition that can make things feel dark and hopeless. For people struggling from this condition, it may seem like nothing will get better. Depression can be brought on by past trauma or for seemingly no reason at all. Luckily, there is good news for people suffering from depression in Texas. There are many different proven treatments for this condition out there, and treatment is more available and accessible than ever.

Innova is on the frontlines of making treatment accessible for those struggling with depression in Texas. We understand that many people are simply unable to come out to a face to face appointment with a therapist at an office. Whether this is because of long commutes, transportation issues, or any other reason, the reality is that many Texans donʼt get the treatment they need because it isnʼt accessible enough. Thatʼs why we turned to the internet to provide accessible treatment for those struggling with depression in Texas.

Instead of making the trip to a therapist’s office, with Innova, you can meet with one of our licensed therapists online! Through secure video conferencing software, you will attend group sessions multiple times a week. Since this all can be done on a phone or laptop, those struggling with depression in Texas can now get their treatment entirely from home! Since there is no more travel involved in treating depression in Texas, Innova has made treatment easily accessible for all. Since our program is covered under most insurances, our treatments are affordable as well!

The methods we use to treat our patients have been proven to effectively treat depression in Texas and work just as well in our online sessions. Our therapists are all fully licensed and certified, and are passionate about helping those in need. If you are struggling with depression in Texas, help is just a phone call away with Innova Recovery Center.

Accessible PTSD Treatment in Texas

Traumatic incidents can leave us in distress long after they happen. This distress can get in the way of our day to day lives, affect our relationships, and be harmful to our overall health. If you continue to experience stress and anxiety after a traumatic event, you may be struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

If you have PTSD, there are many options for treatment available to you. Therapy has been proven to be an effective PTSD treatment in Texas and should be considered by anyone struggling with the disorder. Therapists can use a variety of treatments and exercises to help you through the symptoms of PTSD and relieve the stress and anxiety they can bring. With proper treatment, therapy will allow you to recognize symptoms as they happen and teach you how to work through them in a healthy, constructive manner.

Unfortunately, not everyone can easily make it to a therapy appointment. Some people may have transportation issues that prevent them from driving out to a therapistʼs office. Other people may live in rural towns where therapy isnʼt readily available. At Innova Recovery Center, we made it our mission to make PTSD treatment in Texas accessible to everyone.

With Innova Recovery center, you can get the PTSD treatment in Texas you need, all through the internet. Our online therapy sessions allow you to meet with specialized therapists through video conferencing software. This allows you to attend your sessions from the comfort of your own home! So whether you live in a rural town or are unable to drive, you will still have access to the care and treatment you need with Innova. All you need for PTSD treatment in Texas with Innova is a smartphone or laptop and an internet connection. If you prefer face-to-face appointments for PTSD treatment in Texas, Innova can still help. We offer in-person appointments at our San Antonio office.

Seeking out PTSD treatment in Texas is a big decision to make, but it can really help you through the recovery process. At Innova, we want to help our patients get proper, effective treatment. If you are interested in the Innova Recovery Center and think it may be the right treatment option for you, contact us today, and begin your path to recovery.